2011 Exhibition and Open Day pictures

Pictures from Ade.
How Much?

Tea or Coffee luv?

Sticky Stuff this glue - my hands stuck!

Prolific Pat at it again

Can you tell what it is yet?

Just Like That!

OK, who put glue on my hands?

Who put glue on my nose?

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Stamford Bridge Art Club

invite you to our
Exhibition and Open Day

Sunday July 17th Noon – 5pm in the Village Hall (admission free)

There will be a large display of our work to enjoy (some for sale)
as well as:-

- Demonstrations of - Watercolour, Acrylics, Oil, Charcoal and Pencil

- ‘Have a go at art’ – Create your own drawing/picture (materials provided)

- Tips and Hints on how to start drawing using Basic techniques (Perspective, Light and shade etc.)

- Help and advice on materials, techniques etc. Why not bring a picture of yours?

  • Children’s fun competition - Refreshments